Works and


Normally I usually work on a series on a certain topic for a long time, at least one year, sometimes that period covers several years as in the Hamman series. Working for a long time on the same theme allows me to experiment and evolve during the creation process, obtaining very refined and satisfactory results, within a series there can be different lines of work in terms of the conception of the composition or the textures, which makes production more enjoyable and interesting.



Pictorial series
The garden is a world unto itself, it repeats the cycle of life according to the rhythm of the season.
Pictorial series
It is a journey through the most intimate part of Arab architecture: the secret rooms, the bathrooms, the tiles…
Pictorial series
Portraits of characters who, due to their careers, have had social importance in any field: politics, art, science, religion, various professions, etc.
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